• a solo brand or service provider • ready to level up your social presence • willing to be on camera • able to capture iPhone video content
• an owner or executive with a team • ready to level up your online presence • willing to collaborate on video content • able to commit to a long-term growth strategy for your brand
1. Your time is valuable. 2. Leverage is key to growth. 3. Editing & distributing content is not income-generating.
and know...
Ask yourself...
1. How much time can you get back? 2. What will showing up online consistently do for your business? 3. Is it finally time to get comfortable being uncomfortable?
Content Marketing Strategy
3 Social Platforms Managed
Monthly 1-on-1 strategy + accountability
Unlimited Content Uploads
Weekly Email Updates
Daily engagement strategy
1. Your brand is ready to stand out. 2. The value of quality partnerships. 3. Quality leverage is key to growth.
and know...
Content Marketing Strategy
3 Social Platforms Managed
Weekly 1-on-1 strategy + accountability
Unlimited Content Uploads
Weekly Email Updates
Daily engagement strategy
Monthly Brand Content Shoot
Ask yourself...
1. What's possible if we had a dedicated team? 2. How will content-based accountability impact my business? 3. What is the cost of staying small?
Say hello
No dancing here
See what's possible